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 Doing payroll and book keeping for your own firm
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Posted on 01-26-10 10:47 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello guys,
I am planning to start my own business in a couple of weeks. It's gonna be a limited company and I hope to employ more than 15 employees right from the outset. Do you think I am gonna be able to do both payroll and book keeping on my own using latest softwares? I have heard that the softwares out there at the moment are very easy to use and not so expensive. I am from a business background so crunching numbers won't be a difficult task but being the owner of the company I don't know how much time I can allocate for this task, don't have any clue how long it will take both of the tasks. Would appreciate replies from guys who have information on this.


Posted on 01-26-10 3:19 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Payroll is a breeze if you use ADP, you can use their online software but as for the bookkeeping, you will need a professional to set up your company..you can use Quickbooks as its cheaper and easier to use, then again i'll suggest to outsource it to some accounting firm. they can come once a month or as per your need for bookkeeping services as it wont be really that expensive
Posted on 01-26-10 7:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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PayrollMate for payroll; you can try it for free and then will need to buy it.
GNU cash for accounting.


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