The video is of 27 minutes but I only have 18 minutes.
लक्ष्मण सुवेदी/नयाँ पत्रिका
काठमाडौं, ३ असोज
नेपाली सिनेमाकी चल्तीकी नायिका नम्रता श्रेष्ठ अश्लील भिडियोको विवादमा फसेकी छिन् । म्युजिक भिडियोकी महँगी र सिनेमाकी 'चुजी' नायिका नम्रताको 'मेरो एउटा साथी छ' काठमाडौंका हलहरूमा प्रदर्शन भइरहेको छ ।
नम्रता र किचयम चित्रकार
(डिजे तान्त्रिक) ले सहवास गरेको लाइभ दृश्य भन्दै मोबाइल-मोबाइलमा भिडियो फरवार्ड भइरहेको छ । नम्रता र डिजे तान्त्रिक प्रेमी-प्रेमिका भएको र आफैले हेर्न मोबाइलबाट यस्तो दृश्य खिचेको चर्चा छ । भिडियो बजारमा आएपछि हंगामा भएको छ ।
६ मिनेटको भिडियोमा देखिने युवतीले बाउलामा सेता धर्का भएको रातो ट्रयाक लगाएकी छिन्, तल केही पनि लगाएकी छैनन् । युवकले त तलमाथि केही पनि लगाएका छैनन् ।
युवा-युवती सहवासमा लिप्त छन्, वेला-वेला मोबाइलतर्फ पनि हेर्छन्, 'ब्याकग्राउन्ड'मा वेला-वेला संगीत पनि सुनिन्छ । संगीतसँगै दुवैजनाले पालै-पालो मुख-मैथुन गरेका छन् । क्यामेराले दुवैजनाको यौनांग जुम पनि गरेको छ ।
भिडियो हेर्दा सहवास मात्र होइन, 'सुटिङ' पनि सहमतिमा भएको स्पष्ट बुझिन्छ । उनीहरू दुवै मदिराले मातेकाजस्ता देखिन्छन् ।
स्रोतका अनुसार यो भिडियोले केही महिना पहिले नै बबण्डर मच्चाइसकेको थियो । डिजे तान्त्रिककी श्रीमतीले उजुरी गरेपछि माइती नेपालका अधिकारीहरूले नम्रता र तान्त्रिकलाई कार्यालयमै बोलाएर माफी माग्न लगाएको स्रोतको दाबी छ ।
दुवैजनाले यस्तो क्रियाकलाप आइन्दा नगर्ने कसम खाएको चर्चासँगै पुरानो भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएको छ । सो भिडियोमा देखिने युवाका रूपमा चर्चामा आएका डिजे तान्त्रिकसँग सम्पर्क हुन सकेन । नायिका नम्रताले भने सो भिडियो आफ्नो हो वा होइन भन्नेबारे केही बोलेकी छैनन् ।
विवादास्पद भिडियोबारे प्रस्ट पार्न पत्रकार सम्मेलन गरेर सबै कुरा खोल्ने बताएकी छिन् । 'जे भन्नुछ म भोलि
(आइतबार) भन्छु,' उनले नयाँ पत्रिकासित भनिन्, 'म पत्रकार सम्मेलन गर्छु, नभए प्रेस वक्तव्य जारी गर्छु ।' उनले भिडियो विवादबारे चासो राखेकोमा नयाँ पत्रिकालाई एसएमएसबाट समेत धन्यवाद दिइन्, तर भिडियोबारे चर्चा गर्न नै चाहिनन् ।
म्युजिक भिडियोमा भव्य सफलतापछि नम्रता चलचित्रमा छिरेकी हुन् । उनले अभिनय गरेको पहिलो चलचित्र 'सानो संसार' गत वर्ष हिट भएको थियो । उनको दोस्रो सिनेमा 'मेरो एउटा साथी छ' अहिले बजारमा छ ।
नम्रता नेपाली म्युजिक भिडियोकी सबैभन्दा महँगी मोडल हुन् । धेरै पुराना नेपाली नायिकाले एउटा चलचित्रबाट ५० हजार रुपैयाँ पारिश्रमिक लिन्छन् भने नयाँ नायिका नम्रताले एउटै फिल्मबाट डेढ लाखसम्म लिने गरेकी छिन् । सहकर्मीहरू उनलाई महँगी भए पनि भलाद्मी कलाकार मान्छन् ।
सबै कुरा भोलि
(आइतबार) बताउँछु: नम्रता
शनिबार राति ९
:०० बजे
नयाँ पत्रिका कार्यालयबाट नम्रताको मोबाइलमा डायल, फोन धेरै ढिलो उठ्छ ।
हेलो, नम्रताजी नमस्कार ।
को बोल्नुभएको ?
म नयाँ पत्रिकाबाट लक्ष्मण सुवेदी ।
ए, भन्नोस् न ।
बजारमा तपाईंको भन्दै एउटा अश्लील भिडियो आएको छ, त्यहीबारेमा तपाईंको प्रतिक्रिया लिऊँ
भनेर ।
ए, मलाई पहिले तपाईंको मोबाइल नम्बर एसएमएस गरिदिनुस् न...
फोन राखियो ।
राति ९
:१५ (एसएमएसमा नयाँ पत्रिका समाचारदाताको नम्बर गएको केहीबेरमा) नम्रताको मोबाइलबाट फोन आयो फोन- तत्कालै काटियो ।
राति ९
नयाँ पत्रिका कार्यालयको नम्बरबाट नम्रतालाई फोन । यसपटक पनि ढिलै उठ्यो फोन ।
: हेलो को बोलेको ?
म नयाँ पत्रिकाबाट, भर्खर तपाईंको फोन आएको थियो । उठाउँदा-उठाउँदै काटियो । अँ, अब भन्नुस् न अश्लील भिडियोबारे तपाईंको भनाइ के छ ?
यसबारेमा म अहिले केही भन्न सक्दिनँ । मलाई यसबारेमा फोन आएको आयै छ । म यो कुराले एकदमै डिस्टर्भ छु । मेरो सुटिङ भइरहेको छ । तनावले सुटिङमा पनि जान सकिनँ ।
कहिले बोल्नुहुन्छ त तपाईं ? या मौन बस्नुहुन्छ ?
मैले अब के गर्ने भन्ने डिसिजन लिन सकेकी छैन । भोलि नै मैले पत्रकार सम्मेलन गर्छु होला । नभए प्रेस रिलिज गर्छु । त्यसो पनि नभए पर्सनल्ली मिडियापर्सनलाई फोन गरेर आफ्नो कुरा राख्छु । त्यसैले अघि तपाईंको मोबाइल नम्बर मागेकी ।
आज नै धेरै चर्चा भइसक्यो, केही त प्रतिक्रिया होला तपाईंको ?
म अहिले केही पनि बताउन सक्दिनँ । भोलि नै भन्छु नि ।
तपाईं भोलि के भन्ने मुडमा हुनुहुन्छ ?
हेर्नुस्, मैले यत्रो आठ-नौ वर्ष यो क्षेत्रमा काम गरें । त्यो कुरा त तपाईंहरूलाई पनि त थाह छ नि..
उसो भए बजारमा तपाईंले त्यो भिडियो 'फेक' हो, त्यो केटी म होइन भन्ने मुडमा हुनुहुन्छ ? त्यही प्रतिक्रिया लेखूँ त ?
होइन, यसबारेमा म अहिले केही बताउँदिनँ । भोलि नै क्लियर हुन्छ । ओके...बाइ ।
By now you all must have been fully aware of the intimate video of Namrata Shrestha and DJ Tantrik that leaked out on Sept 20, 2009.
When a news like this breaks out, curiousity grips every mind. One wonders it it is really true, and what is really in it, or how bad was it. One gets the urge to see it to believe it. No wonder then that the name is googled over and over again, the video itself did spread like a wildfire.
Needless to say, the video was pretty shocking. The act itself was not that shocking, but the context - an aspiring Nepali actress who had just made a big name and received recognitions for her role in movie "Sano Sansar" was videotaped with a married man. How stupid was that? How wrong was that? Why did they do it, and then film it? How must DJ Tantik's wife have felt? All these questions and many more probably jumped to everyone's minds and I guess we all have to come to our own conclusions.
But one question that really stuck with me for a long time is - Is she going to be ok during and after all this?
Having spent to teenage years in Nepal before heading to the US, I have a pretty good understanding of what dignity means in a Nepali society, and how it is so vastly different from that in western countries. Yes Nepali models have been pretty bold lately in photographing to sexual poses, and yes Nepali movies have been creating suggestive scenes for actresses in them for a long time but our society has not come to a point where a person's character and social standing is not severely shattered due to even slight negative sexual innuendoes. Shame is a word that has gone out of dictionary in the west, but it still holds a special meaning in our society. And my god, this is as bad as it could get for Namrata.
But she did it to herself, you might say. She is no angel but a vain home wrecker and she should take full responsibility for her actions, you might add. And I agree with you, this is bad. But, having her dignity sprawled over the world is not a punishment she deserved. There are many people who make poor decisions, wrong decisions, senseless decisions, but do they really deserve to be utterly humiliated like this? And even if you think this was a right response, think about it in the context of Nepali society. What if it was someone you knew, someone you cared about? After all, she is also someone's daughter and someone's sister. How would they be feeling right now?
With that in mind, my dear fellow countrymen, I have a humble request. In the name of the nepali pan that binds us, and for the respect we have for our values and culture, lets stop spreading this mud any more. Lets stop shaming a Nepali sister in front of the entire world. She made a mistake and has learnt a really hard lesson. Lets do the right thing on our part. Lets stop posting this video on the internet and take down the ones out there already. We will never be able to do it fully but at least lets walk on the right path. Lets spare her of any more misery. After all, as 1974 AD pointed out: "Yo man ta mero, Nepali ho!"
What you said is partially right, but your solutions are childish. We will never really be able to "take down the videos". I bet thousands, if not millions, of them have it in their computer. The more people take down, the rare it becomes, the more rest of those will keep it. This is not a practical solution, just an emotional solution. Then there is little matter of this DJ's wife, who seems to be the most angry, most humiliated woman in the world rightnow. Who knows perhaps Namrata used to smirk at her when she saw her, nobody knows what she went through, her own home is now wreaked, and she probably promised that the boundary crossed was a sacrosanct, and had to be punished. Think about her as your sister too.
So, here is a solution. Namrata needs to realise that she fu(ked up. I mean both literally and figuratively. She is also a criminal in that sense. So, the best thing is to learn to confront the reality. Btw, we have another actress, whose sexual video is out already (in Ojha case), and Namrata will be the second. These two will, hopefully, provide a lesson to other actresses, other highschool going girls and so on. She will be a high profile case in what not to do.
She fu(ked up, man. It is like failing SLC--you have to wait for a year or so to heal this thing. Only time heals stuffs like this.
I feel so sorry for DJ's wife, She is publicly humiliated by her husband who cannot keep his pants close. The wife intention was good to go to Maiti Nepal, i read somewhere else she took the tape over there to make her husband apologize her. That wife was already betrayed by the husband and on top of that those who leaked the tape is putting acid in the wound for the wife. I hope she divorced the jerk husband.Do they have kids? I could careless if a couple is having sex.To have a sex with a married man and a married man cheating his wife is morally wrong.
Look, Ustad, I didn't post the god damn video, and so no point in asking personal question.
But the key thing is, now the video is out. Someone did spread it. Now, it is an irreversible act. There are 28 million Nepali around--quite a few of them have the video in their computer now, and there is no point begging to delink it. Because anyone can upload it again.
So, what I said is a practical solution. She fu(ked up, and now she needs to find the strength to live with it. When Gyanendra lost the kingdom, after Baisakh kranti, apparently, a politician told Gyanendra, who was obviously very sad, to "wait . Only time heals these things."
Even Angelina Jolie claims that she didn't sleep with Brad Pitt until they were separate. Even in the west, things are not so haphazard as we assume. Namrata Shrestha is not a chanchune person, I know lots of Nepali who sincerely like her and consider her to be the most beautiful girl around. What kind of example will she be to others? If people start sleeping around with married men, will there be enough unbroken homes?
You guys are making it hard for Namrata. Should stop giving her false hopes that these videos will ever be delinked. Tell her to be strong and not to repeat such foolish acts and learn to live with this. There is always a beginning in everybody's life, and she should strive to find that beginning.
Hmmm...lots of folks going emotional over the issue of privacy and doesnt look like she was not enjoying the video, also the video seems to be taken from different angles as they were in action, which implies there could have been a third person taking the video.
This is Namrata's video and she is an well informed individual who clearly understands the consequences of such videos, it was just one dick for her. As Bill Mahr would say " it was just one more pussy" To her it was just another dick.
Besides the video could have been made to get interantional exposure, you never know we might see her in Hollywood action next.
From being a much-sought-after model and the highest paid music video star, 22-year-old Nepali beauty Namrata Shrestha effortlessly sashayed into Nepal's film industry last year with the hit musical of the year Sano Sansar (Small world).
With her fan clubs growing and mounting tributes to both her ethereal beauty and talent, she was poised to become a newsmaker this month with her new release, Mero euta sathi chho (I have a friend).
Instead, she has hit the headlines for a steamy sex video that is being widely circulated by web sites and mobile phone users showing her in unabashed poses with a Nepali DJ, Tantric, whose real name is Kicha Man Chitrakar.
On Sunday, a Nepali tabloid made the sex video, shot with a mobile phone camera, its cover story, complete with graphic descriptions as well as photos of the pair.
Namrata reportedly says it's her personal matter.
When the Naya Patrika daily, that carried a report on the nearly 11-minute long sex video, asked her to comment on it, the rising star reportedly said: "Yes, I recorded it for my personal viewing. If you have a copy, I'd suggest you enjoy it without bothering me."
The sex video and Nepali society's reaction to it shows the changing face of the new republic that has witnessed amazing socio-political transformations in the last four years.
Parallels are being drawn between it and the Shrisha Karki scandal that erupted in 2002, creating a furore, intense social condemnation and even police action.
In 2002, Shrisha, another aspiring starlet, committed suicide after a weekly published a report exposing the casting couch syndrome in Nepal's film industry which exploited Shrisha and other vulnerable newcomers like her.
However, the nude photograph of Shrisha, published by the Jana Aastha weekly with its report on enforced prostitution in the Nepali film industry caused the young actress to commit suicide, triggering a backlash against the weekly.
"I had to remain underground for one and a half years," says Kishor Shrestha, the 39-year-old editor of the weekly, who in 2002 faced a warrant for his arrest due to growing social outcry.
"But now, in the new permissive society, things are regarded differently."
Shrestha says the sex video reinforces the absence of ethics in Nepal's film industry as well as growing promiscuity.
"While Shrisha was forced into prostitution, in Namrata's case, the situation is different," he says. "She is well educated and her career had taken off. She admitted that she herself had got the video made."
Seven years ago, the public outrage was triggered because the actress committed suicide, he says.
"When people die, our society treats them as saints," he says. "But Namrata has not committed suicide, showing she is made of sterner stuff."
But though society has become permissive, Shrestha says the Namrata incident still goes against traditional society values.
"It's a betrayal," he says. "Namrata has her own boyfriend while the DJ is a married man with kids. The incident has dealt a blow to his marriage."
He also predicts that though she can brazen it out, it is going to affect Namrata's career.
"Her fans have already started making adverse comments on the Net after the incident," he says. "It has tarnished her image and her credibility."
Regardless of where we live, we're all a bunch of male chauvinists. We jump to cast a judgment on the female and leave the male alone. I haven't seen the video and have no interest in seeing it, but I'm thinking there were two people involved. No?
If you have to see the video, sure, go ahead and see it. But why make any judgment? And if you must make a judgment, why not judge both parties?
Fugging men wearing skirts here have nothing better to do other than gossip like women. People are eating hand to mouth in Nepal, and these MORONS think this is more important. Shows why Nepal is in the state it is today. CAUSE NEPALI SOCIETY HAVE THEIR PRIORITIES ALL FUGGED UP.
.For some reason, I do not believe the reports saying that Namrata has been not bothered by the negative criticisms from this scandal. For a truer report on how Namrata has been during this crisis, please go to the following link and read the news report.
I don't think Namrata should be punished to this extereme. I just watced her movie "sano sansar" today,she's one great actress and pretty too. She does not deserve to be treated like a criminal. I don't know why some Nepali brothers treat women like animals they like to do you claim to be a human when you can't think sensible enough to treat another human with respect and compassion? She hasn't done anything that no body has done before. Namarata's Sex scandle is the last thing Nepalis should be concerned about when killers are roaming the country freely and corrupution is making them naked everyday, it's only that they are not video taped. At this difficult time Namarata needs support and console from us, i hope she won't do what others did. I'll pray for her and may god give her power to cope and get out of this temporary mess.
One day, She has to speak about it.. no matter how low profile she keeps now.. if the girl in the video is really her.
Parents now will have delimma whether to direct/push their daughters to this show-industry and movie.. I think this is the issue hitting hard on Nepalese parents now.
MAGA and all how do you feel about Trumps cabinet pick?
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