This was the answer.....lau ke bhanu aba...sabai asha nirasha bhaye
jindagi ko artha ta lastai nikaley chhau ni
aja aru khojdai garnu katai aru ramro artha pauna sakchhau
katai artha khoda khodai afai lai bujna chhai vulchhau ki
j vaya pani i think u just friend so never tried to think more then that for god's shake
thats all iwanna say
u can be volatile ur words n ur promises too but i never can be
n keep one think always in ur mind friends r to b kept as treasure so....................
try to fill the blanks
samundra afaima pani huda hudai teslai pani ko swad tha navaya jesti
timi lai pani sathi ko importance tha navayeko jesto malai lagyo
tai pani::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;
ok bye