I doubt the support to Deoba by Mahesh Acharya.
There is only possible because of Mahat's out, might
interest Mahesh to remain in Deoba cabinet, and
Girija need at least one his loyal man in the Cabinet to
get all information. Deoba might have deliberately
did not let Mahat, Kharel and Amod know whats next.
Well, this all episode would have avoided if the CWC
would have been more democratic, i.e. at least 75 members
in CWC should be voted representative, not the way
we see 50% rubber stamp CWC members made by
Party President.
Do you know that in Nepal, if you want to register a NGO,
the CDO office deliberately ask you to avoid the lines
for direct nomination of executive members by NGO
President. Being poltical party also a kind of NGO,
why the hell they have different rule? That surprises me,
how can you ever think a Primeminister run a country
without interference (100%) from Party. The PM is first
liable to country and then to Party. But, NC is now
collection of Bhajan Mandali made of 50% Paraty President
's lagautia peoples, thus, such situation will continue in future
too. Its time to demolish such sweeeping power to Party
President, he should be more liable to Party cadres through
having more CWC members from voting. Its the sole reason
for current chao. Deoba is not responsible. He had no
choice to avoid Bhajan Mandali.