I say long live....anybody....even ur mama, papa....if ya have a dog...that too!
i agree wid gaalab......by the way who is after King anyway????? jus like wat ImI said.
kun system chahi nepalma corrupted chaina? ani ko chahi corrupted chaina?....bineet broda and all that said long live KIng......you all are corrupted too! bidesh ma basera...kura nai nabuji jpt bolnay??? jun freedom ma ta boldaichas....tyo arudesh ko ho ra tesh deshko ppl harule aawaz uthayare payako ho.
learn to love ur ppl.....even those in nepal who earns 30 rupee after workin 11 hrs and has to feed his family.
nepal as a sate which is democratic republic state is the only answer....you and i better be submissive and support this new nation. If ya wanna demand something good....demand that everyone needs to have equal opportunity.....equal rights.....freedom of speech and religion......jobs......no kids left behind.....rules, constitution and bylaws to be observed and practiced.......feed the hungry ones and clothe the naked ones...... best security........!!!!!!
hey....think on this line......we belong to this era, and the country you and I belong to in fact has n'tin to be proud about. If the reality hurts.....lets do smothing.
I say...let us readjust our attitudes and meantime also let us readjust our focus. We are equipped ppl.....and we will make it, if we unite.
Now....let us be meek and humble ourselves and be the man to say sorry. Only with confession we can recorrect ourselves. Let us build the bond......warm fellowship....uplift each other, respect each other, promote each other......share wid each other......and most of all participate in ur brothers or sisters lives. I say give a hand wid a smile.....we all need it. God Bless.