The Khattam Harua of GAA El Presidente contender defames me as an Ebaje. How dare you hurted Narcissicus call a MAHA CHETRI RAJUT a lute, lachad and languti wearing symbolised eBahun with an eTupi linked with electricity for fixing the missing marbles after a MAHA SHOCK election ending with a deflated ego like a blow up condom run amok and labels others KHATAM JHUR. Do you want a blow up doll to inflate ego from me from OZ? I can be a truely humble servant to suit your needs, while I sing for ye "Dhuru dhuru narou eBaje, Plastic Mcfantastic blow up Putali Upahar paunechau!"
Is that all you have for a quack vocabulary?
I forgive you for your short fall in natural characteristic traits. You live and let me live.
As far I can see you are no political or leadership material. Basically you could be a good Private Assistant to a Diplomat in trade and agriculture commodity promotion for Bihar.
You just stay out of my way and should you need anything just ASK!
Good Luck and have Gulabjamun and maha motichur ladoo for nest time around. Tell my friend Arup Rajoria heaps of love and kisses. Have not seen my mate for long time. You know Arup very well in USA as he did Masters of Public Administration. Don't try to hide truth.